Bruce on Pol. Incorrect

 Posted on 8/15/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Stephen Burrow <> asks:
> What happened, and was it any big deal?
> Have you ever been invited on PI?
> Would you even be interested?

Yes, the union came in on season 3, on a Wednesday, if I
recall, and by the end of the week it was resolved, and that was the
extent of it.


Bruce on Pol. Incorrect

 Posted on 8/18/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

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Like virtually all syndicated shows, we were non-union below
the line (meaning not counting actors, directors, and writers). There
actually wasn't a syndicated TV contract in existence...which is why
most shows shoot out of LA, because they were afraid to work something
out with the union. So we then negotiated the first syndicated TV
contract that I'm aware of for shooting here in LA, and which is now
being used to bring other shows back to LA that had left previously.
